Colorful Acorns
今回はChristmas Decoration のアイデアをシェアしたいと思います
小さくて可愛いいドングリの帽子 acorn cap を使ったdecorationです
Materials and tools
*acorn caps
*small colorful soft balls ( you can buy them at 100yen shops)
*glue gan and glue sticks
*strings ( any kind of strings are OK / ribbon, knitting strings…)
How to make it☆
①Let’s go to Furusato Koen Park to pick up some acorn caps and branches!
②Glue the colorful balls and acorn caps together with a glue gun.
③Let’s make a lot of colorful acorns!
④Glue the colorful acorns to the strings and branches.
⑤Once done, then they’re ready for decolation!